I was so excited to see the comp card I made for my friend helped her land her first runway job! She asked me several questions about modeling I figured would be great to share with other aspiring models and pageant girls.
1. Comp Card

For modeling jobs, this is the most important piece of material. It’s a portfolio collage with a variety of images of you and your statistics like height, size, hair color, etc. Have a unique variety of photos regarding style but still a similar goal. I wouldn’t have too many commercial photos on here because I use my comp card mainly for runway shows. If you would like a comp card made by digit-eli, feel free to DM me on Instagram @digit.eli or schedule the appointment on my home page.
2. Runway Walk Video
You could record this yourself, but it’s best to have someone watch the camera to see where you stand from far distances. Ideally less distractions around is better, so a hallway, long blank hall is ideal, but monochromatic can do. These are for fashion shows that need you to model. The best part is you can do it over and over until you pick your favorite.
3. Digitals
These are the easiest ones to do because you can use your phone and do it anywhere with good natural lighting and a blank white wall. For swim castings, where a bikini, and for all other events a fitted black tank top and jeans. Angle your photos lower so your legs look longer in pictures.
4. Headshot
This is more for commercials whether it’s casting or direct booking. You already have a headshot on a comp card so it’s not as needed in a modeling / fashion gig. But it should be clean, hair is not blocking your face. If it is full glam it shouldn’t look too airbrushed, still see some pores. For commercial bookings think about where clients would most need you based on your market. In me in South Florida, I am casted as the young mom, young professional, Asian woman, etc., so I need my headshot to show I can play those roles.